Health Services

Family Advocacy

The mission of the U.S. Air Force Family Advocacy Program is to build healthy communities through implementing programs designed for the prevention and treatment of domestic violence, child abuse and neglect. Our vision is to provide trusted care through education and evidence-based interventions that foster a culture of non-violence and help seeking behaviors.

Services offered through Family Advocacy:

  • Family Advocacy Strength-Based Therapy: Counseling for individuals, couples and families, including stress management, couples communication, and parenting. This service is confidential with no documentation in your medical record.
  • Love & Logic Parenting: This class trains parents to raise responsible children by allowing them to grow through their mistakes and teaching them to live with the consequences of their choices.
  • Active Parenting of Teens: Trains parents on how to gain respectful behavior from their teen through discipline, communication, problems solving and talking about violence, sex, alcohol and drugs.
  • Crossroads to Parenting & Divorce: Seminar designed to prevent divorce abuse (a specific type of emotional abuse that divorcing parents cause when they lose sight of the child’s needs. This class is equivalent to the “Best Interest of the Child” course that the state of Georgia requires before a divorce can be finalized.
  • Anger Management Training: Trains individuals on how to manage anger effectively, stop violence or the threat of violence, and develop self-control over thoughts and actions and to receive support from others.
  • How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk(ette): Seminar for singles or individuals who are divorcing, to learn to identify the warning signs of a difficult partner and understanding the Relationship Attachment Model.
  • Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP 8.0): PREP is designed to teach couples communication skills and ground rules for handling conflict.

Contact Us




Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Hours subject to change in support of federal holidays and designated family days


The Family Advocacy Program is located within the Mental Health Clinic, which is located in the east end of the 23d Medical Group main building across from the Dental Clinic

Important phone numbers:

  • Military Family Life Consultant:
    • Adult-229-444-8977
    • Adult-229-296-0320
    • Rescue Sq-229-474-8159
    • Child/Youth-229-296-0320
    • Pine Grove Elementary-229-415-9759
    • Dewar Elementary-229-449-3146
After Hours:
  • Ambulance Dispatch: 911
  • 24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 or 9-8-8 (Press 1)
  • 24/7 Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate: 912-217-6661
  • Command Post: 229-257-3501
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!